Dr. Kaiser Jr., one of the best surgeons in the world, began his international career in 2000, where he specialized in colorectal surgery in Florida (USA) and soon after became a foreign member of the American Society of Colorectal Surgery.
In Brazil, his career is extensive and renowned, a doctor of high standing in the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology.
Since 2005 he has worked as coordinator of the Training Program in General Surgery at the Hospital Benciência Portuguesa in São José do Rio Preto / SP. Not to mention, the social projects and educational campaigns it carries out!
Dr. Kaiser Jr. was one of the first doctors in the state of São Paulo to specialize in minimally invasive treatment for Pilonidal Disease - EPSiT.
Find out more about Kaiser Clínica e Hospital Dia!
CPGS members using the CPGS10 coupon have special value conditions, in addition to being able to pay for the surgery in up to 10 interest-free installments.
Contact us: (24) 99846-7201 (Whatsapp)

Proctoclin has a multidisciplinary treatment center made up of coloproctologists, a pelvic physiotherapist, a stoma nurse and an oncology nutritionist, in addition to providing the most modern technology for Pilonidal and Anal Fistual Disease in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
With a renovated space, the new clinic has a welcoming infrastructure to serve patients, specially designed for individualized care.
The specialists who make up the clinical team are doctors Milton L. L. Bergamo and Fabiano G. Shimrbeck who perform the minimally invasive procedure, EPSiT, to treat pilonidal cysts.
Contact: (54)3045-4062 / 3045-3918
Emergencies: (54)99172-2670

New arrival and we are excited to share with you that the city of Campinas in São Paulo now covers minimally invasive treatment for pilonidal cysts!
Our partner who works at Tatuapé in São Paulo, the excellent coloproctologist Dr. Felipe Prieto, started providing services in Campinas.
Dr. Felipe Prieto graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Marília-SP, with General Surgery residency at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Marília.
Coloproctology Residency at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás.
He also has a postgraduate degree in Medical Expertise from the IBCMED Institute and General Surgeon and Coloproctologist at Rede D'or São Luiz since 2010.
The office is located in Livance Campinas, where it has a modern and welcoming structure for individualized care.
Scheduling at Tatuapé in São Paulo:
WhatsApp: 11 96915-1880.

We have teamed up with a large team of coloproctologists specialized in minimally invasive treatment for Pilonidal Disease and this time Dr. Rodrigo Barbosa is joining the CPGS accredited network!
Doctor graduated from FCMPB, specialist in general surgery, digestive system surgery and coloproctology with extensive knowledge in techniques such as EPSiT and LASER.
Doctor Rodrigo Barbosa recently created a portal specializing in pilonidal disease and its treatments.
The Pilonidal Center is another unique channel focusing on minimally invasive methods and it is also possible to obtain various information about the disease, cyst care, online calendar, among others.
His office is easily accessible, being close to the most famous avenue in São Paulo!
Contact: (11) 4063-0846
More Information:

CPGS has teamed up with BIOSAT @biosatoficial, which is a reference when it comes to medical products for the minimally invasive treatment of Pilonidal Disease!
BIOSAT distributes its line of disposables throughout the country, through its authorized distributors, and serves elective and emergency procedures in Greater São Paulo with logistics and rentals of state-of-the-art equipment, such as Lasers.
We were in São Paulo at the beginning of the month, we didn't miss the opportunity to visit BIOSAT and of course, we came back with an incredible experience, knowing everything they have been providing in this segment for years, in addition to having a specialized team for technical assistance and our own laboratories. , which guarantee quality and agility in issues related to equipment.
Folder about the Diode Laser, EPSiT Kit and VAAFT Kit: Click here
More information:
Tel: (11) 2369 0069
Av. Marquês de São Vicente, 2219 - 13º
CEP 05036-040 - São Paulo/SP
Av. Pres. Tancredo Neves, 3440
CEP 06730-000 - Vargem Grande Paulista/SP

Softy Laser - Laser Diodo

Academia do Laser is the first laser training institution aimed at physicians with an interest in the anorectal region.
Founded by coloproctologist Dr. Fabrício Doin Paz, specialist in the use of lasers in coloproctology and wounds. Dr. Fabrício is also a full member of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology and vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Laser in Medicine and Surgery.
Academia do Laser is a company for medical training and digital certification for proficiency in the use of laser/technology in medical procedures.
Ease of access (in-person workshops with accommodation included or from the comfort of your home/office).
Edited surgical videos, step by step, for lasting learning. Protocols developed and validated internationally.
Digital certification, publishable on social/professional networks and with permanent registration via blockchain (unique and non-transferable).

Tel.: (24) 998467201
Our network continues to grow through the support of great doctors specializing in Pilonial Disease and this time we arrived in Mato Grosso do Sul!
Dr. Natália Belló Maciel graduated in Medicine from the University of Cuiabá (MT), and her academic career continued with a Residency in General Surgery at the Hospital Municipal do Campo Limpo (SP) and a Residency in Coloproctology at the Heliópolis Hospital (SP).
Dr. Natália is an associate member of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology and is also a doctor qualified in the most modern treatment for pilonidal cysts, EPSiT (Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment), a minimally invasive surgical treatment via video.
Our partner provides services in Campo Grande, at the Digestive Institute and also makes up the clinical staff at Instemed.
For appointments and other information click here.
Contact: (62) 9955-7212

Our accredited network arrived in the capital of Brazil with Duoprocto! Our partners, Dr. Aline Amaro and Dr. Danilo Munhoz, practice in Brasília, and this duo has an incredible story.
A couple of surgeons and coloproctologists passionate about their specialty, the Surgical Center and their patients.
Dr. Danilo, from São Paulo raised in Maringá, studied medicine in Curitiba, general surgery in Maringá and went to São José do Rio Preto to undergo coloproctology.
Dr. Aline, born in Brasília, studied medicine in Curitiba and had all her surgical training in Rio Preto (general surgery and coloproctology).
Both made the Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto – HB their home, honoring the term “medical residence”. It is worth mentioning that HB is one of the largest and most important hospital complexes in the State of São Paulo.
It is the second largest teaching hospital in Brazil, linked to the Faculty of Medicine of Rio Preto (Famerp) and stands out for the high-tech medicine it offers to patients, 85% of which are part of the Unified Health System (SUS).
Furthermore, Duoprocto is a reference in minimally invasive treatment for pilonidal cysts.
For appointments and other information: click here.
Contato: (62) 98193-0404

Our Accredited Network has arrived in Goiás!
Our new partner, coloproctologist Dr. Marcos Tavares, specializes in treating diseases of the small intestine, thick, straight, anus and of course, in the pilonidal cyst bringing the most modern techniques such as the minimally invasive Laser and Epsit techniques.
Dr. Marcos has been working as a doctor for almost 20 years and is a Full Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons, Full Member of the Brazilian Society for Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Associate Member of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology and Member of the Brazilian Inflammatory Disease Study Group.
Expanding knowledge and sharing it is what makes each professional unique and committed to the pursuit of science and medicine for the benefit of life. Thus, Dr. Marcos Tavares' career evolves every day with the aim of offering unique, ethical and responsible care.
Dr. Marcos Tavares works at the Sora clinic in Goiânia, and for more information contact us via WhatsApp: (62) 9 8492-0015.

A nossa Rede Credenciada chegou em Fortaleza e dessa vez com uma especialidade pouco falada no tratamento do cisto pilonidal, mas que faz toda diferença no tratamento do cisto pilonidal m special no pós opratório.
A Estomaterapia é uma especialidade da enfermagem voltada para o cuidado de pacientes com feridas (agúdas e crônicas), estomas, fístulas e incontinência anal e urinária.
É a área responsável pela integridade da pele e aumento expressivo da qualidade de vida de pacientes acometidos por diversas patologias assim como o cisto pilonidal.
E a nossa enfermeira estomaterapeuta é a Sabrina Feijão!
A Sabrina Feijão é formada pela Universidade de Fortaleza , pós-graduada em Estomaterapia pela UECE e atualmente mestranda em enfermagem.
Além disso, a Sabrina é especializada no laser para tratamento de feridas, micropigmentação e com uma grande qualificação e experiência no cisto pilonidal.
A nossa estomaterapeuta atende na Clínica Ita, em domicílio e on-line.
Agendamentos: (85) 987748557
Clínica Ita
Enderço: Riomar trade center Riomar Trade Center | Rua Desembargador Lauro Nogueira, 1500 - Sala 308 Fortaleza, Brazil
Visite: @estomaterapeuta_sabrinafeijao

A Estomaterapia é uma especialidade da enfermagem voltada ao cuidado de pacientes com feridas (agúdas e crônicas), estomas, fístulas e incontinência anal e urinária.
É a área responsável pela integridade da pele e aumento expressivo da qualidade de vida de pacientes acometidos por diversas patologias como o cisto pilonidal.
Graduada em Enfermagem pela FMU, Pós-graduada em Estomaterapia pela USP, tem vasta experiência no tratamento de lesões por causa cirúrgica, pé diabético e vasculopatias.
Laserterapeuta atuando com protocolos de cicatrização, no tratamento de dor e ação antiinflamatória.
No aspecto preventivo o LASER age melhorando a performance muscular (método ILIB), Anti-Aging (rejuvenescimento) e alopécia (calvície).
A nossa estomaterapeuta atende na Clínica Regenerar, em domicílio e on-line.
Agendamentos: (11) 96547-8445
Clínica Regenerar
Endereço: Rua Pereira Estefano 114 conj. 1512 Vila da Saúde, São Paulo, SP Brazil
Visite: @regenerar.pele

Nossa rede de parceiros chegou em Ribeirão Preto!
A Dra. Raquel Coelho é especialista em coloproctologia formada pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP em Ribeirão Preto.
Formada pela Universidade Federal do triângulo mineiro em 2014.
Médica em Cirurgia Geral: Realizou sua residência no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCRP-USP) entre 2015 - 2017.
Residência Médica em Coloproctologia: Continuou sua formação especializada em coloproctologia no HCRP-USP de 2017-2019.
Especialização: Obteve o título de Especialista em Coloproctologia pela Sociedade Brasileira de
Coloproctologia (SBCP).
Além disso, a Dra Raquel trouxe para a especialidade o que há de mais moderno no tratamento minimamente invasivo em diversas patologias como o cisto pilonidal.
Atualmente, a Dra. Raquel atende na ProctoGastro Clínica @proctogastroclinica .
📍Endereço: Rua Eliseu Guilherme, 11 Sumaré - Ribeirão Preto.
📲Contato: (16) 3519-4444
Visite: @proctoraquelcoelho

A nossa rede credenciada chegou em Sorocaba, com a coloproctologista Dra. Thaís Andreotti.
Nossa coloprocto se formou em Medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis e possui especializações em Cirurgia Geral pela UNESP e em Coloproctologia pela Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto.
A Dra. Thais também é membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia e realiza tratamentos cirúrgicos e clínicos para diversas condições, como o cisto pilonidal.
Na Doença Pilonidal, a Dra. Thaís é especialista em tratamentos minimamente invasivos para cistos pilonidais como o MELPi, essa abordagem utiliza a energia mínima do laser proporcionando um procedimento seguro e eficaz.
Ad vantagens como um procedimento menos invasivos são vários como rápida cicatrização e retorno precoce as atividades diárias.
Cuide do seu cofrinho, procure a coloproctologista.
Visite: @drathaisandreotti
📲(15) 98829-9330